Quality Sedation Dentistry in Atlanta

Have you ever put off visiting the dentist because of anxiety? If so, sedation dentistry may be the perfect way for you to get the dental care you need. At Peach Dental, we have extensive experience providing sedation dentistry to increase your comfort and create positive dental experiences. Our family-owned practice, led by Dr. Jordan Reznik and Dr. Michael Reznik, is passionate about treating you like family.

We'll take the time to understand your unique needs and find the perfect treatment strategy for you. We're privileged to serve the residents of Atlanta, Dunwoody, and Sandy Springs. To learn more about our options for sedation dentistry in Atlanta, contact our dental office today!

How Can Sedation Dentistry Help Me?

Feeling anxiety about dental appointments is normal, and you shouldn't feel embarrassed by it. Whether it stems from a previous negative experience or misinformation, dental anxiety can prevent you from getting the care you need. Regardless of the reason, sedation dentistry offers a highly effective way to get the dental treatment you deserve.

Dental sedation not only makes your visit less stressful but makes procedures go smoothly for both you and our team. One of the most significant benefits is that you'll feel more confident during each visit and may even find that your anxiety fades over time.

Our Atlanta Sedation Dentistry Options

At Peach Dental, we're proud to offer nitrous oxide and IV sedation. Depending on the procedure, specific sedation types are more appropriate than others. Before treatment can begin, our dentists will discuss your sedation options and what each process entails. They'll also answer any questions you may have so that you're fully informed during your visit. Our sedation options include:

IV Sedation for a Relaxing Experience

If you're prone to high levels of anxiety or have an active gag reflex, IV sedation may be the perfect option for you. Intravenous or IV sedation is a step up from nitrous oxide sedation. The treatment involves placing an IV in your arm. Soon after we administer the medication, you'll begin feeling calm and relaxed. A member of our trained staff will always be with you, and it's common for patients not to recollect anything from their procedure. Before IV sedation, Dr. Reznik may:

  • Ask for a complete list of medications you're taking
  • Instruct you not to consume any food before your procedure
  • Provide you with the chance to ask any questions

One of the main benefits of IV sedation is treatments that would typically take multiple visits, like complex extractions, can be completed in one visit. However, because of the powerful nature of this form of sedation, you'll need someone to drive you home afterward.

Exceptional Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Popularly known as laughing gas, nitrous oxide sedation is paired with oxygen and is administered to you through a mask placed over your nose. As a light sedation option, it keeps you awake and able to communicate. It works by inhibiting receptors in your brain, reducing your perception of pain. Once your treatment is complete, we'll continue to give you oxygen to help clear out any lingering nitrous oxide in the lungs. Once it wears off, you can safely drive and go about your day.

Platelet Rich Fibrin for Aftercare

If you're looking for a way to speed up the recovery process after your procedure and lessen discomfort, we offer Platelet Rich Fibrin or PRF. This natural substance is found in your body and helps stimulate cells and bone regeneration while also managing inflammation during the healing process. Procedures like dental implant placement can benefit significantly from PRF treatment.

To begin PRF treatment, we'll draw a small amount of blood. During your procedure, your blood will go through a machine that spins it at a high speed and separates it into three parts, one being PRF. It will then be compressed and applied directly onto the surgery site to stimulate your body's natural regeneration process.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

If you have any questions about sedation dentistry, our Atlanta team will be more than happy to answer them. Some common questions include:

Is sedation dentistry safe?

Yes, it is safe. Our highly trained and licensed staff have treated countless patients and will closely monitor you during sedation to ensure a safe experience.

How long will I be sedated?

The duration of your sedation depends on numerous factors, including the type of sedation and the procedure you're undergoing. We'll always provide you with an appropriate amount of sedation and an estimated time for how long you'll be sedated.

Are there any side effects of sedation?

Sedation has minimal side effects, which can range from dry mouth to grogginess. Your dentist will discuss potential side effects in detail.

Learn More About Your Atlanta Sedation Dentistry Options!

No matter how severe your dental anxiety may be, our Atlanta sedation dentistry services are sure to help you have a relaxing dental experience. We can't wait to meet you and help you take the first step in your dental journey. Call Peach Dental today to schedule your next appointment!